Wyjdź z łodzi i idź dalej z wiarą Mateusz 14:26-32

Wyjdź z łodzi i idź dalej z wiarą!

Jako chrześcijanie, we operate by the law of faith and walk by faith. The law of faith predominates the natural laws. Look at the life of Abraham. Abraham wierzył Bogu w Jego słowo i chodził z wiarą. Zgodnie z prawami natury,…

Chodź w Duchu

Jak chodzić w Duchu?

I say then, Chodź w Duchu, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh. For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other: abyś mógł…

image cake with article title how to deal with temptation?

How to deal with temptation?

In James 1:12, we read that the man that endures temptation is blessed, bo gdy jest sądzony, Otrzyma koronę życia, which the Lord has promised to them that love Him. Temptations will come in

Czym jest łaska Boża?

The love and the grace of God are so great! God loves people so much, He only wants the best for people and to have a relationship with them. God wanted this so much, that He sent His only

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