Many Christians pray for more faith. Whenever there is a call in church to get more faith, many Christians go immediately to the front of the church and let others pray and lay hands on them to get more…
What is the true meaning of faith according to the Bible? Many Christians talk about faith and say they believe in God and Jesus Christ, while their lives prove otherwise. They know a lot about faith in the Bible,…
Как христиане, we operate by the law of faith and walk by faith. The law of faith predominates the natural laws. Look at the life of Abraham. Авраам поверил Богу по Его слову и ходил верой. По естественным законам,…
Крест – это место искупления и место искупления и благодати. Jesus was the perfect Lamb of God, без порока и пятна, Who made atonement for you. Jesus Christ, Кто был без греха, took all the iniquities and…
I say then, Ходить в Духе, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh. Ибо плоть похочет против Духа, и Дух против плоти: и они противоречат друг другу: так что ты…