saying and doing are two different things

Sê en doen is twee verskillende dinge

Sê en doen is twee verskillende dinge. Many times people say one thing but do another. Daar is baie Christene, who go to church and say they believe in Jesus and His redemptive work and they testify of Jesus

How to experience the glory of God

How to experience the glory of God?

In the life of a Christian, there is one thing everyone longs for and that is to be surrounded by the presence of God and experience the glory of God (the Shekinah glory). Some people spend hours of fasting and

Do you let the prophecy become alive?

Do you let the prophecy become alive?

Do you let the prophecy become alive? What do you do after someone has prophesied over your life? I think most of you, have received a prophecy in your life. Indien nie, don’t feel sorry. Because the Word of

Daaglikse belydenis

'n Daaglikse belydenis 'n Vrolike hart maak my gelaat vrolik, maar deur droefheid van die hart sal my gees gebreek word 'n Vrolike hart doen goed soos 'n medisyne, maar 'n gebroke gees laat my gebeente droog word Aangename woorde is…

Why you must not let mercy and truth forsake you?

My son, forget not my law; but let thine heart keep my commandments: For length of days, and long life, en vrede, shall they add to thee. Let not mercy and truth forsake thee: bind them about thy neck;…

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