Grzeszyć czy nie grzeszyć, that’s your decision to make. Every Christian is responsible for his or her own life and decides to believe God and His Word and walk in the will of God or not. W…
How many times do Christians sing that they thirst for more of Jesus and more of the Holy Spirit. Ale czy to jest biblijne?? What does the Bible say about drinking from the living water? The Scriptures says, that if…
Can a Christian date and marry an unbeliever according to the Bible? It happens often that Christians meet someone they like, develop feelings, fall in love, and become romantically involved, while that person is not a Christian. Zamiast…
Solomon had everything a man could wish for. Solomon walked with God, Solomon was king, he had wisdom, wiedza, bogactwo, itp. Krótko mówiąc, Solomon had a prosperous life. Solomon had the privilege to build the house for the Lord. Ale……
W Mateuszu 7:21-27 Jezus powiedział, że nie wszyscy, który nazywa Go Panem, Pan wejdzie do Królestwa Niebieskiego. Bo wielu powie w owym dniu, Lord, Lord, Czyż nie prorokowaliśmy w Twoim Imieniu? And in Thy…