В Послании Иа 1:12, we read that the man that endures temptation is blessed, когда его будут судить, он получит венец жизни, which the Lord has promised to them that love Him. Temptations will come in…
The love and the grace of God are so great! God loves people so much, He only wants the best for people and to have a relationship with them. God wanted this so much, that He sent His only…
Грешить или не грешить, that’s your decision to make. Every Christian is responsible for his or her own life and decides to believe God and His Word and walk in the will of God or not. В…
Сколько раз христиане поют, что они жаждут большего Иисуса и Святого Духа?. Но соответствует ли это Библии?? Что говорит Библия о питье живой воды? В Священном Писании говорится, that if…
Can a Christian date and marry an unbeliever according to the Bible? It happens often that Christians meet someone they like, develop feelings, fall in love, and become romantically involved, while that person is not a Christian. Вместо…