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Hur man kommer in i himmelriket?

How do you enter the way to destruction

How do you enter the way to destruction?

Solomon had everything a man could wish for. Solomon walked with God, Solomon was king, he had wisdom, kunskap, rikedom, etc. In short, Solomon had a prosperous life. Solomon had the privilege to build the house for the Lord. Men……

How to enter the Kingdom of heaven

Hur man går in i Himmelriket?

I Matteus 7:21-27 sa Jesus, att inte alla, som kallar Honom Herre, Herren skall gå in i himmelriket. För många kommer att säga den dagen, herre, herre, har vi inte profeterat i ditt namn? And in Thy

saying and doing are two different things

Att säga och göra är två olika saker

Att säga och göra är två olika saker. Many times people say one thing but do another. Det finns många kristna, who go to church and say they believe in Jesus and His redemptive work and they testify of Jesus

How to experience the glory of God

How to experience the glory of God?

In the life of a Christian, there is one thing everyone longs for and that is to be surrounded by the presence of God and experience the glory of God (the Shekinah glory). Some people spend hours of fasting and

Do you let the prophecy become alive?

Do you let the prophecy become alive?

Do you let the prophecy become alive? What do you do after someone has prophesied over your life? I think most of you, have received a prophecy in your life. If not, don’t feel sorry. Because the Word of

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