Johannese evangeeliumis 10, Jeesus ütles:, that He is the good Shepherd and that His sheep that belong to His flock will listen to His voice. Jesus knows His sheep and the sheep know Him and believe Him and therefore…
In Genesis 3:4-5, we read that Cain brought of the fruit an offering unto the Lord. His brother Abel aso brought an offering of the firstlings of his flock and of the fat thereof. The Lord had respect unto…
God is the Creator of heaven and earth and all there is within. Nothing is created outside God. Therefore the heaven and the earth and all there is within is God’s possession and no one else’s. God is the…
The Old Covenant shows the relationship between God and His carnal people, who are born of the seed of Israel. Many times, we read about how God’s people started right but as they went on their way, they left…
Johannese evangeeliumis 3:14, Jeesus ütles:, ja kui Mooses tõstis kõrbes mao üles, isegi nii, tuleb Inimese Poeg üles tõsta: et ükski, kes Temasse usub, ei hukkuks, kuid neil on igavene elu. Why was…