Who still dares to work in the vineyard?

Who still dares to work in the vineyard?

God is the Creator of heaven and earth and all there is within. Nothing is created outside God. Therefore the heaven and the earth and all there is within is God’s possession and no one else’s. God is the

Is life a self-fulfilling prophecy?

Is life a self-fulfilling prophecy?

Is life a self-fulfilling prophecy? According to the modern preaching of motivational speakers life is indeed a self-fulfilling prophecy. You determine the course in your life, you determine your future. If you only have the right attitude and think

Kapan Anda diberkati menurut Alkitab?

Kapan Anda diberkati menurut Alkitab?

Gambaran dan pemahaman yang dimiliki banyak orang Kristen tentang diberkati dan berkat Tuhan tidak sesuai dengan bagaimana Alkitab mendefinisikan diberkati. Kapan Anda diberkati menurut Alkitab? Kapan Anda diberkati menurut…

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