上帝是天地和万物的创造者. Nothing is created outside God. Therefore the heaven and the earth and all there is within is God’s possession and no one else’s. God is the…
The Old Covenant shows the relationship between God and His carnal people, who are born of the seed of Israel. 多次, we read about how God’s people started right but as they went on their way, they left…
在约翰 3:14, 耶稣说, and as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so, must the Son of man be lifted up: 叫一切信他的不至灭亡, but have eternal life. Why was…
生命是一个自我实现的预言吗? According to the modern preaching of motivational speakers life is indeed a self-fulfilling prophecy. You determine the course in your life, you determine your future. If you only have the right attitude and think…
许多基督徒对被祝福和上帝的祝福的形象和理解与圣经对被祝福的定义不符. 根据圣经,你什么时候受到祝福? 根据你什么时候得到祝福…