image armor with blog title what is the spiritual armor of God?

Qu’est-ce que l’armure spirituelle de Dieu ??

Quand tu nais de nouveau, you enter spiritual warfare, que vous le vouliez ou non. If you don’t acknowledge the spiritual warfare and be passive or you don’t know how to fight in the spiritual warfare and don’t walk

argent, argent et prospérité

Argent, argent, argent

You can hardly go to church anymore or watch Christian television without being confronted with preachers talking about money. Umwe could rather say, begging for money. Many churches have adopted the methods of charities to raise money. Just

Il est terminé à la croix

C’est terminé!

When man ate from the forbidden tree in the Garden of Eden, sin and death entered the lives of man and caused a separation between God and man. Mais Dieu, in His great mercy, already had a perfect redemption

Jésus, un homme de compassion

Jesus a man of compassion

In the Bible we read that Jesus was a Man of compassion. Jesus had compassion on the people. But although Jesus was a Man of compassion and was moved with compassion toward the people, Jesus never compromised. Jesus never

Qui est Jésus

Qui est vraiment Jésus-Christ?

Almost everyone has heard or read about Jesus, but who is Jesus? Many Christians have created an image of Jesus being a kind, gentle and peaceful Man, who spoke with a soft gentle voice and was always loving, bienveillance,…

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