U Ivanu 3:14, rekao je Isus, and as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so, must the Son of man be lifted up: da svaki koji u Njega vjeruje ne propadne, but have eternal life. Why was…
Je li život samoispunjavajuće proročanstvo? According to the modern preaching of motivational speakers life is indeed a self-fulfilling prophecy. You determine the course in your life, you determine your future. If you only have the right attitude and think…
Slika i shvaćanje koje mnogi kršćani imaju o tome da su blagoslovljeni i Božji blagoslovi ne odgovaraju onome kako Biblija definira biti blagoslovljen. Kad si blagoslovljen po Bibliji? Kad si blagoslovljen prema…
Recimo, a salesman comes to your door, trying to sell a product, which according to him, you need in your life and can’t live without. By using a standard sales pitch, he tries to persuade you to purchase…
U 2 Korinćanima 2:11, Paul wrote to the church at Corinth, they were not ignorant of satan’s devices. Jesus knew His adversary, He was familiar with satan’s nature and satan’s devices. Jesus knew what he was up to and…