Why Christians don't preach a clear message and give straight answers

Why Christians don’t preach a clear message

Mondjuk, a salesman comes to your door, trying to sell a product, which according to him, you need in your life and can’t live without. By using a standard sales pitch, he tries to persuade you to purchase

Nem vagyunk-e tudatlanok a sátán eszközeiről??

Are we not ignorant of satan’s devices?

Ban ben 2 korinthusiak 2:11, Paul wrote to the church at Corinth, they were not ignorant of satan’s devices. Jesus knew His adversary, He was familiar with satan’s nature and satan’s devices. Jesus knew what he was up to and

What is the purpose of God's Word in the lives of people?

Mi a célja Isten Igéjének az emberek életében?

Bár a Biblia korábban jelentős szerepet játszott a társadalomban és az emberek életében, ez már nem így van. sajnálatos módon, the Bible has slowly disappeared from the scene and no longer has the same place in society and

Betartod az ígéreteidet? Példázat: két fiú, Máté 21:28

Betartod az ígéreteidet?

How many times do people make promises, but don’t keep them? They promise all kinds of things, but of all these promises, that may seem sincere and reliable, nothing comes of it. How reliable are the words and promises of

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