deus deste mundo cegou a mente das pessoas

Como o deus deste mundo cegou a mente das pessoas

When you are born again in Jesus Christ and have become a new creation, you have been transferred from the darkness into the Kingdom of God. You have entered the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of God has

Você mantém suas promessas? Parábola dois filhos Mateus 21:28

Você mantém suas promessas?

How many times do people make promises, but don’t keep them? They promise all kinds of things, but of all these promises, that may seem sincere and reliable, nothing comes of it. How reliable are the words and promises of

Let the Word be your Judge

Let the Word be your Judge

Vivemos em um mundo, where everyone has an opinion. Get into a group of ten people and bring up a topic and you’ll hear different opinions. This isn’t surprising, since they have different backgrounds in relation to the

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