Why Christians don't preach a clear message and give straight answers

Prečo kresťania nekážu jasné posolstvo

Povedzme, k vašim dverám príde predavač, snaha predať produkt, čo podľa neho, potrebujete vo svojom živote a nemôžete bez toho žiť. Pomocou štandardnej predajnej ponuky, he tries to persuade you to purchase

Nepoznáme satanove zariadenia?

Nepoznáme satanove zariadenia?

In 2 Korinťanom 2:11, Paul wrote to the church at Corinth, they were not ignorant of satan’s devices. Jesus knew His adversary, He was familiar with satan’s nature and satan’s devices. Jesus knew what he was up to and

Do you keep your promises? Parable two sons Matthew 21:28

Do you keep your promises?

How many times do people make promises, but don’t keep them? They promise all kinds of things, but of all these promises, that may seem sincere and reliable, nothing comes of it. How reliable are the words and promises of

chyba: Tento obsah je chránený