When you are born again in Jesus Christ and have become a new creation, you have been transferred from the darkness into the Kingdom of God. You have entered the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of God has…
Although the Bible used to play a major role in society and people’s lives, this is no longer the case. Kia aroha mai, the Bible has slowly disappeared from the scene and no longer has the same place in society and…
E hia ngā wā e mahi ai te tangata i ngā kī taurangi, engari kaua e pupuri i a rātou? E kī taurangi ana rātau i nga momo mea katoa, engari no ēnei kupu whakaari katoa, tērā pea he pono, he pono hoki tēnā, Kaore he mea e puta mai ana. He pēhea te pono o ngā kupu me ngā kī taurangi o…
E noho ana tātau i tētahi ao, kei hea he whakaaro o te katoa. Haere ki tētahi rōpū tāngata kotahi tekau, ā, ka mauria mai he kaupapa, ā, ka rongo koe i ngā whakaaro rerekē. Ehara tēnei i te mea whakamīharo, i te mea he rerekē ō rātou papamuri e pā ana ki te…
Ki te mate tahi koutou me te Karaiti i nga rudi o te ao, he aha, me te mea e noho ana i te ao, E herea ana koutou e nga whakaritenga, (Kāore te pā; kaua e whakamātau; kaua e raweke; Ko ēhea katoa e ngaro ana i te whakamahinga;)…