Em 1 Peter 3:21, we read that baptism is the answer of a good conscience toward God, by the resurrection of Jesus Christ. O que isto significa? Why is baptism the answer of a good conscience toward God? O…
In John 10:17-18 it is written that Jesus had the authority to lay down His life and to take it again. Jesus had received this commandment from His Father with the corresponding authority to execute the commandment of His…
Em Hebreus 7:12, it is written that a change of priesthood means a necessary change of law. But what does this change of law in the change of priesthood mean? How is the law changed? Does the law, qual…
Jesus profetizou diversas vezes sobre a vinda do Espírito Santo. Jesus deu a conhecer o Espírito Santo aos Seus discípulos e prometeu aos Seus discípulos o Espírito Santo. Mas quando você recebe o Espírito Santo de Deus? O que é…
A nova era é um espírito do mundo e está ativa em muitas vidas, que é visível através do discurso, conduta, e comportamento das pessoas. Até alguns anos atrás, the new age spirit was only active in…