Simon Peter the man who loved Jesus

Simon Peter, the man who loved Jesus

People can say and promise all kinds of things, until a situation arises, where their words and the promises they made are no longer remembered. This also happened in the life of Simon Peter, the man who loved Jesus

Biblia inasema nini kuhusu mahakama za mbinguni?

Biblia inasema nini kuhusu nyua za mbinguni?

Maybe you have heard about the doctrine of the courts of heaven and/or you access the courts of heaven yourself and plead your case(s) in the courts of heaven. Kuna Wakristo, who access the courts of heaven and

What if God's will is not your will?

What if God’s will is not your will?

As a child, it’s important to know the will of the father. Because if a child knows the will of the father, then the child knows exactly what to do and what not to do. The child knows what

Je, shetani anaweza kukushtaki?

Kuna mafundisho mengi kuhusu shetani na jinsi shetani anavyowashtaki wakristo na unaweza kufanya nini ili kumzuia shetani asikushitaki.. Kupitia njia za kanuni za maombi na mbinu na mbinu za kimwili, ungeweza…

kosa: Maudhui haya yanalindwa