God cries and the devil laughs about the many Christians, who have more reverence for people and their god(s) than for the Almighty God; Creatorul cerurilor și al pământului. How did it come to this, acea…
Oamenii pot spune și promite tot felul de lucruri, până când apare o situație, unde cuvintele lor și promisiunile pe care le-au făcut nu mai sunt amintite. Acest lucru s-a întâmplat și în viața lui Simon Petru, omul care L-a iubit pe Isus…
Maybe you have heard about the doctrine of the courts of heaven or access the courts of heaven yourself and plead your case(s) in the courts of heaven. Many Christians access the courts of heaven and operate daily in…
As a child, it’s important to know the will of the father. Because if a child knows the will of the father, then the child knows exactly what to do and what not to do. The child knows what…
There are many doctrines about the devil and how the devil accuses Christians and what you can do to stop the devil from accusing you. Through means of prayer formulas and carnal methods and technics, you would be able…