New age je duch sveta a je aktívny v mnohých životoch, ktorý je viditeľný cez reč, správanie, a správanie ľudí. Ešte pred pár rokmi, duch new age bol aktívny len v…
God cries and the devil laughs about the many Christians, who have more reverence for people and their god(s) než pre všemohúceho Boha; Stvoriteľa neba a zeme. How did it come to this, že…
People can say and promise all kinds of things, until a situation arises, where their words and the promises they made are no longer remembered. This also happened in the life of Simon Peter, muž, ktorý miloval Ježiša…
Možno ste už počuli o doktríne nebeských súdov alebo sami vstúpte na nebeské súdy a obhajujte svoj prípad(s) Na nebeských nádvoriach. Many Christians access the courts of heaven and operate daily in…
As a child, it’s important to know the will of the father. Because if a child knows the will of the father, then the child knows exactly what to do and what not to do. The child knows what…