Biblia inasema nini kuhusu mahakama za mbinguni?

Biblia inasema nini kuhusu nyua za mbinguni?

Maybe you have heard about the doctrine of the courts of heaven or access the courts of heaven yourself and plead your case(s) in the courts of heaven. Many Christians access the courts of heaven and operate daily in

What if God's will is not your will?

What if God’s will is not your will?

As a child, it’s important to know the will of the father. Because if a child knows the will of the father, then the child knows exactly what to do and what not to do. The child knows what

Je, shetani anaweza kukushtaki?

Kuna mafundisho mengi kuhusu shetani na jinsi shetani anavyowashtaki wakristo na unaweza kufanya nini ili kumzuia shetani asikushitaki.. Kupitia njia za kanuni za maombi na mbinu na mbinu za kimwili, ungeweza…

Je, unaweza kuishi katika dhambi na kuokolewa?

Je, unaweza kuishi katika dhambi na kuokolewa?

Many Christians believe that sin doesn’t matter and that you can live in sin and be saved at the same time. They speak constantly about grace and use the grace of God as a cloak to approve of sin.

kosa: Maudhui haya yanalindwa