Many Christians believe that sin doesn’t matter and that you can live in sin and be saved at the same time. They speak constantly about grace and use the grace of God as a cloak to approve of sin.…
In Psalms 107, we read about the omnipotent God and His goodness and that wherever man is, there is always redemption for man! No situation is so hopeless that the Lord can’t redeem man. People may be in a…
Qu'est-ce que cela signifie que Dieu a envoyé sa Parole et les a guéris? Il a envoyé Sa Parole et les a guéris est souvent cité et utilisé pour la guérison de la maladie. Mais le Psaume 107:20 ne fait référence qu’à la guérison physique ou…
Christians should know and realize that God gave His Word out of love. Because many Christians don’t consider the words and commandments of God as love, but as a heavy burden, legalism and bondage. While the words of God…
L’une des Écritures les plus célèbres de la Bible est Jean 3:16, ‘For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, afin que quiconque croit en Lui ne périsse pas, mais qui ont la vie éternelle ». This is…