Why God gave His only begotten Son John 3:16

Perché Dio ha dato il suo Figlio unigenito?

One of the most famous Scriptures in the Bible is John 3:16, ‘For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, affinché chiunque crede in lui non perisca, but have everlasting life”. Questo è…

Commandments of God and the commandments of the devil

I comandamenti di Dio e i comandamenti del diavolo

Dall'inizio della creazione, the devil twisted the words and truth of God and commanded the exact opposite of what God commanded. Dio ha detto, that man couldn’t eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, however,…

Washing water of the Word

The washing water of the Word

The washing water of the Word is necessary for sanctification and cleansing. In Ephesians 5:26, we read about the sanctification and cleansing of the Church with the washing of water by the Word. But what does the sanctification and cleansing

Is the gospel still compelling enough?

Is the gospel still compelling enough?

Is the gospel still compelling enough? Because if the gospel would still be compelling enough, why do so many Christians seek in the world and are inspired by the wisdom and knowledge of the world, including Eastern religions and

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