In the Old Covenant, God never forced His people to serve Him. Of course God desired that His people feared Him and served Him in sincerity and truth and that they removed the other gods from their lives, لكن…
The soul (the life) في الدم والدم له صوت. صرخ صوت دم هابيل إلى الله وطالب بالانتقام لدم هابيل البار البريء الذي سفك.…
There are many doctrines, الاراء, and discussions about the rebirth in Christianity. متى يولد شخص ما من جديد, how can a person be born again, and what does the rebirth mean for people’s lives? العديد من الدراسات حول إعادة الميلاد لديها…
لقد حان الوقت لكي تتوب الكنيسة عن حماقتها ومشيتها الباطلة. لقد لعبت الكنيسة لفترة طويلة بما فيه الكفاية مع الظلام. حان الوقت لتصبح جادا والعودة إلى الرأس; المسيح عيسى, وإزالة الكل…
When people become born again, they receive a talent from God. The question is, what do the new creations do with their talents? Because not everyone, who has become a new creation uses the talent of God. Many Christians…