black image table with food with blog title who make a mockery of the lord's supper

Ktorí sa vysmievajú Večeri Pánovej?

Svet bol svedkom a videl, ako sa Pánovej večeri vysmievali. Ale sú to oni tí, ktorí, who have made a mockery of the Lord’s supper or has the Lord’s supper been made a mockery for much longer? Čo je…

image path and thunder with blog title the pride and foolishness of the wicked

Pýcha a pochabosť zlých

There is nothing good in man (od prírody). Preto, let’s stop thinking that there is anything good in man. Even Jesus said, why do you call Me good? There is none good but One, to jest, Bože. If Jesus

image mountain with blog title What does it mean to live under the law

Čo to znamená žiť podľa zákona?

What does it mean to live under the law according to the Bible? Since there is often a misconception about the term ‘living under the law’ and ‘living under grace’. Veľa krát, Christians think that by following the moral

image of gate with blog title through which gateway does enemy enter God's house

Ktorou bránou nepriateľ vstupuje do Božieho domu?

Nehemiáš bol čašníkom kráľa Artaxerxa, ktorého srdce bolo k Bohu. God saw Nehemiah’s state of heart and devotion and planted in his heart the compassion and drive to restore the wall and gates of Jerusalem and its

chyba: Tento obsah je chránený