The soul (the life) je u krvi i krv ima glas. Glas krvi Aveljeve vapio je Bogu i tražio da se osveti za nevinu krv pravednog Avelja koja je prolivena.…
There are many doctrines, Miљljenja, and discussions about the rebirth in Christianity. Kada je neko ponovo rođen, how can a person be born again, and what does the rebirth mean for people’s lives? Mnoge studije o ponovnom rođenju imaju…
Došlo je vreme da se crkva pokaje od svoje gluposti i uzaludnog hoda. Crkva se dovoljno dugo igrala sa tamom. Vreme je da postanete ozbiljni i vratite se u glavu; Исус Христ, i uklonite sve…
When people become born again, they receive a talent from God. The question is, what do the new creations do with their talents? Because not everyone, who has become a new creation uses the talent of God. Mnogi hrišćani…
The world witnessed and saw how the Lord’s supper was mocked. But are they the ones, who have made a mockery of the Lord’s supper or has the Lord’s supper been made a mockery for much longer? What is…