Is the gospel still compelling enough? Because if the gospel would still be compelling enough, why do so many Christians seek in the world and are inspired by the wisdom and knowledge of the world, including Eastern religions and…
Und es geschah, als er nach Jerusalem ging, dass er mitten in Samaria und Galiläa durchzog. Und als Er in ein bestimmtes Dorf einzog,, da begegneten ihm zehn Männer, die Aussätzige waren, die in der Ferne standen…
In Joel 2:28, God promised that He would pour out His Spirit upon all flesh. Da sind viele Leute, who believe through the doctrines of people that the promise in Joel about the outpouring of God’s Spirit has yet…
If Christians don’t become ministers of flaming fire and not be cast into the field of God’s harvest, millions of people will be cast into the eternal flaming fire of the lake of fire on the Day of Judgment.…
We are bound to thank God always for you, Brüder, as it is meet, because that your faith groweth exceedingly, and the charity of every one of you all toward each other aboundeth; So that we ourselves glory in…