Religion or relation?

Religion or Relation?

How many times do Christians say, “We don’t have a religion but a relation. We are freed from religion and don’t have to anymore.” They are proud that they don’t adhere to a religion like previous generations and must

Jesus or Barabbas, who do you choose?

Jesus or Barabbas, who do you choose?

When Jesus and Barabbas were led before the people of Israel, the people were given a choice to release Jesus or Barabbas. The people choose to release Barabbas. Through the influence of the (religious) leaders of the people, el…

Be strong and of good courage

Be strong and of good courage!

Just like Jesus Christ was strong and of good courage and in obedience to God persevered until the end, the born-again Christians, who are the sons of God (both males and females), should also be strong and of good

How did walls of Jericho fall

How did the walls of Jericho fall?

After the death of Moses, Joshua, the son of Nun, took over Moses’ leadership. Joshua was chosen and appointed by God to lead His people into the promised land and to take the promised land as an inheritance. Joshua

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