耶稣或巴拉巴, 你选择谁?

耶稣或巴拉巴, 你选择谁?

When Jesus and Barabbas were led before the people of Israel, the people were given a choice to release Jesus or Barabbas. The people choose to release Barabbas. Through the influence of the (宗教的) leaders of the people, 这…



Just like Jesus Christ was strong and of good courage and in obedience to God persevered until the end, the born-again Christians, who are the sons of God (both males and females), should also be strong and of good



After the death of Moses, 约书亚, the son of Nun, took over Moses’ leadership. Joshua was chosen and appointed by God to lead His people into the promised land and to take the promised land as an inheritance. 约书亚…

Baptism for the dead 1 哥林多前书 15:29

What did Paul mean by baptism for the dead?

在 1 哥林多前书 15:29, Paul spoke about baptism for the dead. What did Paul mean by baptism for the dead, since we don’t read anywhere in the Bible about being baptized for the dead? Were people baptized in a

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