Baptism for the dead 1 Korinćanima 15:29

What did Paul mean by baptism for the dead?

U 1 Korinćanima 15:29, Paul spoke about baptism for the dead. What did Paul mean by baptism for the dead, since we don’t read anywhere in the Bible about being baptized for the dead? Were people baptized in a

Pray for the dead

Možete li moliti za mrtve?

Kršćani prakticiraju molitvu za mrtve, koji misle da svojim molitvama mogu promijeniti konačno odredište pokojnika. I tako mole molitvu za mrtvu osobu. But what does the Bible say about

Kako možete doživjeti Božji odmor i mir

Kako možete doživjeti Božji odmor i mir

Jesus has given us many promises about His rest and His peace that everyone, who believes in Him and comes to Him and learns from Him should experience. Mir Božji, which passes all understanding and shall keep

Je li misija đavla uspješna?

Je li misija đavla uspješna?

Ima mnogo kršćana, who believe they have nothing to do with the devil anymore because the devil is a defeated enemy. Because of this mindset, many Christians have become passive in prayer and the spiritual warfare against the

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