Be strong and of good courage

Be strong and of good courage!

Just like Jesus Christ was strong and of good courage and in obedience to God persevered until the end, the born-again Christians, who are the sons of God (both males and females), should also be strong and of good

How did walls of Jericho fall

How did the walls of Jericho fall?

After the death of Moses, Joshua, the son of Nun, took over Moses’ leadership. Joshua was chosen and appointed by God to lead His people into the promised land and to take the promised land as an inheritance. Joshua

Baptism for the dead 1 Korintos 15:29

What did Paul mean by baptism for the dead?

In 1 Korintos 15:29, Paul spoke about baptism for the dead. What did Paul mean by baptism for the dead, since we don’t read anywhere in the Bible about being baptized for the dead? Were people baptized in a

U ducee kuwii dhintay

Ma u duceyn kartaa meydadka?

U ducaynta meydadka waxaa ku dhaqma Masiixiyiinta, kuwaas oo u malaynaya inay ku bedeli karaan meesha ugu dambaysa ee marxuumku u socdo ducada. Markaasay u duceeyaan qofka dhintay. Laakiin muxuu Baybalku ka yidhi…

Sideed u dareemi kartaa nasashada iyo nabadda Eebbe

Sideed u dareemi kartaa nasashada iyo nabadda Eebbe

Ciise waxa uu ina siiyay balan qaadyo badan oo ku saabsan nasashadiisa iyo nabadiisa in qof walba, Qofkii isaga rumaystaa oo u yimaadda oo wax ka bartaa waa in uu waayo-aragnimo u leeyahay. Nabadgelyo Eebbe, Kaas oo waxgarashada oo dhan dhaafa oo dhawri doona…

qalad: Waxa ku jira waa la ilaaliyay