Baptism for the dead 1 哥林多前书 15:29

What did Paul mean by baptism for the dead?

在 1 哥林多前书 15:29, Paul spoke about baptism for the dead. What did Paul mean by baptism for the dead, since we don’t read anywhere in the Bible about being baptized for the dead? Were people baptized in a

Pray for the dead


Praying for the dead is practiced by Christians, who think they can change the final destination of the deceased through their prayers. And so they pray a prayer for the dead person. But what does the Bible say about



耶稣给了我们许多关于他的安息和平安的应许,, 相信他、来到他面前并向他学习的人应该经历. 神的平安, which passes all understanding and shall keep



有很多基督徒, 他们相信自己与魔鬼不再有任何关系,因为魔鬼是一个被击败的敌人. Because of this mindset, many Christians have become passive in prayer and the spiritual warfare against the

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