你呢, 死在你的罪孽和未受割礼的肉体中, hath he quickened together with Him, 原谅了你所有的过犯; 涂掉反对我们的法令的笔迹, 这与我们相反,…
在歌罗西书中 2:11-12 we read about the circumcision in Christ and being buried with Christ in baptism and risen with Him through the faith of the operation of God. But what does buried with Christ in baptism and risen…
耶稣给了地球上每个人负起他的轭并向他学习的机会, 以便他或她的灵魂得到休息. The yoke of Jesus is easy and His…
借着耶稣基督和他的血的牺牲,借着对基督的信心和重生, 你所有的罪恶和罪孽都得洁净,成为圣洁、公义,与神和好. You have not been…
在 2 哥林多前书 2:14-17, we read that despite the resistance and persecution of people, Paul and the other apostles/disciples of Jesus Christ were thankful to God, Who always caused them to triumph in Christ and made manifest the savour…