Si no es una maldición, Qué es?

Si no es una maldición, Qué es?

When a person has the same (pecaminoso) behavior and experience the same negative things as (grand)padres, many times it is thought that the person lives under a curse. But as written in previous blogposts, a born-again Christian can impossibly

¿Sigues siendo un pecador??

¿Sigues siendo un pecador??

“We are all sinners”, it may sound so pious and humble, Pero en la realidad, it’s an insult to God and the redemptive work and precious blood of Jesus Christ and belongs to the many false doctrines that are preached.

Falsas doctrinas que son un insulto a Dios

Falsas doctrinas que son un insulto a Dios

Throughout the centuries, many false doctrines have arisen that are an insult to God and didn’t draw Christians closer to God, but further away from God. These false doctrines have led Christians astray and made them independent from God,…

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