When a person has the same (grešan) behavior and experience the same negative things as (grand)roditelji, many times it is thought that the person lives under a curse. But as written in previous blogposts, a born-again Christian can impossibly…
The blessing and curse were part of the Old Covenant. As long as the congregation of God (narod Izraelov) obeyed and kept the law of God, the congregation was blessed by God. But if the congregation became…
For in Him (Isus Krist) dwells all the fulness of the Godhead bodily. I vi ste potpuni u Njemu, koji je Glava sveg poglavarstva i vlasti (Kološanima 2:9-10) There is no other way to be saved and…
“We are all sinners”, it may sound so pious and humble, ali u stvarnosti, it’s an insult to God and the redemptive work and precious blood of Jesus Christ and belongs to the many false doctrines that are preached.…
Kroz stoljeća, pojavile su se mnoge krive doktrine koje su uvreda za Boga i nisu približile kršćane Bogu, ali dalje od Boga. Te su krive doktrine odvele kršćane na krivi put i učinile ih neovisnima o Bogu,…