“We are all sinners”, it may sound so pious and humble, ali u stvarnosti, it’s an insult to God and the redemptive work and precious blood of Jesus Christ and belongs to the many false doctrines that are preached.…
Kroz stoljeća, pojavile su se mnoge krive doktrine koje su uvreda za Boga i nisu približile kršćane Bogu, ali dalje od Boga. Te su krive doktrine odvele kršćane na krivi put i učinile ih neovisnima o Bogu,…
Čuvajte se da vas tko ne razmazi filozofijom i ispraznom prijevarom, nakon tradicije muškaraca, nakon rudimenata svijeta, a ne poslije Krista (Kološanima 2:8) Paul warned the saints at Colosse again for man, who would…
Jesus Christ commanded His Body; the Church to be His witness on earth. He commanded those, who belong to Him and follow Him to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and the call to repentance to those, who belong…
There are many trials in life, where you will show what you believe, koga slušaš, and by your actions, show to whom you belong. You can say all kinds of things, but when situations arise and you…