Hay muchas pruebas en la vida., donde demostrarás lo que crees, a quien escuchas, y por tus acciones, muestra a quien perteneces. You can say all kinds of things, but when situations arise and you…
Todos, who has repented and is born again in Jesus Christ, has become a new creation and belongs to the Body of Christ; la Iglesia. The Church is seated in Christ and is supposed to live and reign from…
Por tanto, de la manera que habéis recibido a Cristo Jesús el Señor, so walk ye in Him: Rooted and built up in Him, y establecido en la fe, como os han enseñado, abundando en ella acción de gracias (colosenses 2:6-7) Paul saw in…
Cuando el Espíritu Santo descendió del cielo y los discípulos de Jesucristo fueron llenos del Espíritu Santo, ya no podían permanecer en silencio acerca de Jesús el Cristo, but they had to tell the Truth and call the…
Why do so many believers panic when unexpected things happen in the world and/or in their lives, that deviate from ‘the normal’ and are not according to their expectations and will? Is God a God, who stays silent and…