Dlaczego modlitwa jest ważna i potrzebna

Dlaczego modlitwa jest ważna i konieczna?

The importance and necessity of praying is often underestimated, but praying is a fundamental part of the life of every born again believer, who has become a new creation. Praying is part of your relationship with Jesus Christ and

Price to fulfill the Word of God

The price to fulfill the Word of God

Jeżeli trwacie w wierze ugruntowanej i niezachwianej, i nie dajcie się odwieść od nadziei ewangelii, które słyszeliście, and which was preached to every creature which is under heaven; whereof I Paul am

Reconciled in the body of Christ

Reconciled in the body of Christ

A ty, którzy byli czasami odsunięci i wrogowie w waszym umyśle przez niegodziwe uczynki, yet now hath He reconciled. In the body of His flesh through death, to present you holy and unblameable and unreproveable in His sight: Jeśli…

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