When the Holy Spirit descended from heaven and the disciples of Jesus Christ were filled with the Holy Spirit, they could no longer stay silent about Jesus the Christ, but they had to tell the Truth and call the…
Why do so many believers panic when unexpected things happen in the world and/or in their lives, that deviate from ‘the normal’ and are not according to their expectations and will? Is God a God, who stays silent and…
Ve bunu söylüyorum, kimse sizi baştan çıkarıcı sözlerle kandırmasın diye. Çünkü bedenen yok olsam da, yine de ruhen seninle miyim, siparişinizi sevinçle karşılıyor ve izliyoruz, and the stedfastness of your…
For I would that ye knew what great conflict I have for you, and for them at Laodicea, and for as many as have not seen my face in the flesh; That their hearts might be comforted, being knit together…
Dua etmenin önemi ve gerekliliği genellikle hafife alınır, Ancak dua etmek, yeniden doğmuş her inanlının hayatının temel bir parçasıdır, kim yeni bir yaratılış haline geldi. Praying is part of your relationship with Jesus Christ and…