gambar gunung dengan judul blog Bahaya Meditasi

Apa bahayanya meditasi?

Meditasi seharusnya baik untuk Anda dan harus memiliki efek positif pada masyarakat. Fokus yang lebih baik, Konsentrasi, Meningkatkan memori dan pemrosesan emosional, Menemukan 'Diri' Batin Anda, Kedamaian batin, pencerahan, Penyembuhan, kebahagiaan, mengurangi kecemasan, stres, takut, Dan…

Tidak ada yang bisa mencabut Anda dari tangan Tuhan?

Tidak ada yang bisa mencabut Anda dari tangan Tuhan?

How many times do Christians say, that once you are saved, you are always saved. Many scriptures are quoted to substantiate this statement. One of them is John 10:27-29, where Jesus says “And I give unto them eternal life;…

What about grace and works

What about grace and works?

What about grace and works? Are you saved by grace or are you saved by works? Do you live under grace or do you live under the law? Is it all grace and are works not relevant anymore or

What do you need to be a witness of Jesus Christ

What do you need to be a witness of Jesus Christ?

Jesus commanded everyone, who believes in Him and decided to follow Him, to be His witness. But what does it mean to be a witness of Jesus Christ? When are you a witness of Jesus Christ? How do you

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