why praying is important and necessary

Why praying is important and necessary?

The importance and necessity of praying is often underestimated, but praying is a fundamental part of the life of every born again believer, who has become a new creation. Praying is part of your relationship with Jesus Christ and

Price to fulfill the Word of God

The price to fulfill the Word of God

如果你们继续坚定并坚定的信仰, 不要被感动离开福音的盼望, 你们都听说过, 这事传给天下万物; whereof I Paul am

披着羊皮的狼对马修造成了严重破坏 7:15


Jesus warned His disciples for wolves in sheep’s clothing. He gave a detailed overview of the nature and characteristics of a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Jesus told them, how to recognize wolves in sheep’s clothing, how these wolves in

Reconciled in the body of Christ

Reconciled in the body of Christ

你呢, 有时因为邪恶的行为而被疏远并成为你心目中的敌人, yet now hath He reconciled. In the body of His flesh through death, 在他面前呈现圣洁、无可指摘、无可指责的: 如果…

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