如果你们继续坚定并坚定的信仰, 不要被感动离开福音的盼望, 你们都听说过, 这事传给天下万物; whereof I Paul am…
Jesus warned His disciples for wolves in sheep’s clothing. He gave a detailed overview of the nature and characteristics of a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Jesus told them, how to recognize wolves in sheep’s clothing, how these wolves in…
你呢, 有时因为邪恶的行为而被疏远并成为你心目中的敌人, yet now hath He reconciled. In the body of His flesh through death, 在他面前呈现圣洁、无可指摘、无可指责的: 如果…
冥想应该对你有好处,并且应该对社会产生积极的影响. 更好的焦点, 浓度, 改善记忆和情绪处理, 寻找内在的“自我”, 内心的平静, 启迪, 康复, 幸福, 减少焦虑, 压力, 害怕, 和…
如果你找到了真理, you will stop searching, because you have found what you were looking for. By finding the Truth and regeneration in Christ, you have been made righteous and entered God’s rest and should experience…