image bible with title what is so evil about ten commandments of God

What is so evil about the Ten Commandments of God?

Disse dage, de ti bud, som Gud gav Moses, betragtes ofte som onde og en tung byrde. Mange kristne betragter Guds ti bud som legalistiske og trældom. And since Christians have been made free from the Law

Why obedience is better than sacrifice 1 samuel 15:22

Why Obedience Is Better Than Sacrifice?

In different places in the Bible, it is written, that to obey is better than sacrifice. But why is obedience better than sacrifice? God had given the sacrificial laws. Therefore you would think that God was pleased with the

image mountain with blog title Colossians 3-17 Do all in the Name of the Lord Jesus

Do all in the Name of the Lord Jesus

I Kolossenserbrevet 3:17, Paul wrote, And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the Name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by Him. What does this mean? How can you do

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