vartų vaizdas su tinklaraščio pavadinimu, pro kuriuos vartai priešas patenka į Dievo namus

Per kuriuos vartus priešas patenka į Dievo namus?

Nehemiah was a cupbearer to King Artaxerxes, whose heart was towards God. God saw Nehemiah’s state of heart and devotion and planted in his heart the compassion and drive to restore the wall and gates of Jerusalem and its

Nesigėdiju Kristaus Evangelijos

Nesigėdiju Kristaus Evangelijos, bet man gėda …

Nesigėdiju Kristaus Evangelijos, because the gospel of Christ is a power unto salvation for everyone that believes. If you have faith then you’ll experience the power of the gospel of Christ that makes

It's not about how you start but how you finish

It’s not about how you start, but how you finish

There may be times in life, that Christians doubt the authenticity of the faith, the reliability of the Bible, and the existence of God. They wonder, is God Who He says He is, and does God listen? Is Jesus

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