You can silence the messenger but that doesn't change the message

Poți să taci mesagerul, dar asta nu schimbă mesajul

In a wicked world, the words of God are not always appreciated. De ce? Because the words of God don’t sustain wickedness and evil works but call to repentance and people don’t want that. How many messengers did God send

It's not about how you start but how you finish

It’s not about how you start, dar cum termini

There may be times in life, that Christians doubt the authenticity of the faith, the reliability of the Bible, and the existence of God. They wonder, is God Who He says He is, and does God listen? Is Jesus

De ce ascultarea este mai bună decât sacrificiul 1 Samuel 15:22

De ce supunerea este mai bună decât sacrificiul?

In different places in the Bible, it is written, that to obey is better than sacrifice. But why is obedience better than sacrifice? God had given the sacrificial laws. Therefore you would think that God was pleased with the

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