Neka suhe kosti ožive

Neka suhe kosti ožive!

In the vision of the valley of dry bones in Ezekiel 37:1-14, God revealed to the priest Ezekiel the state of His people Israel, who were defeated and lived in captivity in Babylon. God not only revealed in the

The order of Melchizedek meaning

Koji je redoslijed Melkisedeka?

When Paul wrote about the high priesthood of Jesus Christ, Paul referred to the order of Melchizedek (Hebrejima 5-7). Who was Melchizedek (Melchisedec) and what is the order of Melchizedek in the Bible? Melchizedek was not only king of

The power of His resurrection

The power of His resurrection

What does the Bible say about the power of His resurrection? Many Christians know that Jesus Christ rose from the dead by the power of God, by the Holy Spirit. They say they believe in the power of His

Ždrijeb je pao na Isusa Krista, Sina Boga živoga

Ždrijeb je pao na Isusa Krista, Sin Boga živoga

Jedan od najvećih događaja u povijesti je muka Isusa Krista; muke i raspeća Isusa Krista i Isusa’ uskrsnuće od mrtvih. Nakon neposluha čovječanstva, man fell from his position and was separated

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