Ždrijeb je pao na Isusa Krista, Sina Boga živoga

Ždrijeb je pao na Isusa Krista, Sin Boga živoga

Jedan od najvećih događaja u povijesti je muka Isusa Krista; muke i raspeća Isusa Krista i Isusa’ uskrsnuće od mrtvih. Nakon neposluha čovječanstva, man fell from his position and was separated

What you sow you will reap

What you sow you will reap

The flesh and the Spirit diametrically oppose one another. The flesh lusts against the Spirit and the Spirit lusts against the flesh. The flesh and the Spirit don’t go together and will never go together. Stoga, a person sows

Razlika između ovaca i koza u Bibliji

Koja je razlika između ovaca i koza?

In the parable of the sheep and the goats, Jesus speaks about His coming and the judgment of the nations. When the Son of man shall come in His glory and all the holy angels with Him, and He

Can a Christian live under a curse?

Can a Christian live under a curse?

Mnogo je vjernika, who believe that a Christian can live under a curse. Kroz godine, many books have been written about generational curses and curses in general. In these books, it is claimed that a born again

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