What you sow you will reap

What you sow you will reap

The flesh and the Spirit diametrically oppose one another. The flesh lusts against the Spirit and the Spirit lusts against the flesh. The flesh and the Spirit don’t go together and will never go together. Ebből adódóan, a person sows

Can a Christian live under a curse?

Can a Christian live under a curse?

There are many believers, who believe that a Christian can live under a curse. Throughout the years, many books have been written about generational curses and curses in general. In these books, it is claimed that a born again

Can a Christian be cursed by people

Lehet-e átkozott egy keresztény?

Lehet-e átkozott egy keresztény? The Bible says we should not be afraid and that nothing shall harm us because we are protected in Jesus Christ. azonban, there are many Christians, who live in fear and are afraid to

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