koga Gospodin ljubi On kažnjava i bičuje

Koga Gospodin ljubi, njega i kora i šiba

Ne smijete misliti da vas Otac odgaja kao što većina roditelja danas odgaja svoju djecu i prepušta svoju odgovornost roditeljstva i odgoja drugima i dopušta svojoj djeci da sama donose odluke i dopuštaju im da rade što god…

Obrezanje u Novom savezu

Obrezanje u Novom savezu

The circumcision of the foreskin was a token of God’s covenant with Abraham, as a seal of the righteousness of his faith. The sons, who were born of the seed of Abraham, were circumcised on the eighth day, regardless

what is Supplication prayer meaning

What is supplication prayer?

In the previous blogposts, the spiritual armor of God was discussed and prayer and supplication, which is essential next to the spiritual armor in order to stand in the evil day and to stand against the whiles of the

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