Can a Christian be cursed by people

Can a Christian be cursed?

Can a Christian be cursed? The Bible says we should not be afraid and that nothing shall harm us because we are protected in Jesus Christ. na izany aza, there are many Christians, who live in fear and are afraid to

whom the Lord loves He chastens and scourges

Whom the Lord loves He chastens and scourges

You must not think that the Father raises you like most parents raise their children nowadays and give their responsibility of parenting and nurturing to others and let their children make their own decisions and let them do whatever

Circumcision in the New Covenant

3Notafihin'i Salomona, Etama-Sobà, ka azony.

Ny famorana ny nofo dia famantarana ny fanekena nataon'Andriamanitra tamin'i Abrahama, tahaka ny tombo-kasen'ny fahamarinan'ny finoany. Ny zanany lahy, izay naterak'i Abrahama, tamin'ny andro fahavalo, regardless

fahadisoana: Voaaro ity atiny ity