que le Seigneur aime, il châtie et fouette

Celui que le Seigneur aime, il châtie et fouette

You must not think that the Father raises you like most parents raise their children nowadays and give their responsibility of parenting and nurturing to others and let their children make their own decisions and let them do whatever

La circoncision dans la Nouvelle Alliance

La circoncision dans la Nouvelle Alliance

La circoncision du prépuce était un signe de l’alliance de Dieu avec Abraham, comme un sceau de la justice de sa foi. Les fils, who were born of the seed of Abraham, were circumcised on the eighth day, regardless

Que signifie la prière de supplication

Qu’est-ce que la prière de supplication?

In the previous blogposts, l’armure spirituelle de Dieu a été discutée, et la prière et la supplication ont été, which is essential next to the spiritual armor in order to stand in the evil day and to stand against the whiles of the

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